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599 Southwest Second Avenue - Fort Lauderdale, Florida - 33301


Burglary in South florida

Burglary and robbery are two serious criminal offenses that are related to theft but are considered to be violent crimes due to the manner in which they are committed. Robbery involves theft by force or threat.

Burglary involves unlawfully entering another's property, with the intention of committing a crime (most often theft.)

If in possession of a firearm at the time of the offense or accused of brandishing or discharging the weapon in the commission of a burglary or robbery, you may face a mandatory minimum of 10 or 20 years in prison under Florida's 10-20-Life law.

For more than 30 years, Bradley M. Collins, P.A. has successfully defended clients facing Burglary and Robbery charges.

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This web site is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. Bradley M. Collins, P.A.